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Divine Guidance, Chakra Reading

Are you having a tough time right now? Do you have goals or plans but can't seem to figure out what is stopping you? Maybe you just need a little help connecting to your spirituality, or don't know where to start. I know how frustrating it may be not to have the motivation to get things going. I am here to help. I provide the assistance needed to start a healthy, vibrant life and become in tune with your true higher self. I provide distant healing assistance in order to help you get to the root of your problems and/or illnesses. At first there will be a short consultation. We will go over and discuss a few important questions so I am able to see where your imbalances may be. In order for an accurate Chakra reading you will need to be open and honest. (All information shared is confidential and stays between us two) You may feel emotions rise due to energy sensitivity, but this is good so we are able to work on your Chakras effectively. If you have your own crystal set, you will lie down and I will assist you in placing your 7 Chakra stones along your body on their corresponding Chakra. I will guide you into a meditative state using mantras and singing bowls. I will ask you to repeat affirmations as to focusing on each Chakra. After the meditation I will go over a few yoga poses you can do on your spare time to help stimulate your chakras. Everything is based on our personal evaluation and is customized to your needs. I know you will love and enjoy this experience very much. Don't short yourself of the good things and your own love. Let's start your journey to inner freedom and self love. Feel free to message me with any questions. 

I also have a session option to just have a therapeutic conversation over the phone or via video chat if you just need some guidance or your energy may be feeling low. 

Divine Guidance Full Chakra Healing session - $75

Includes consultation, divine guidance therapy, chakra reading, single card oracle reading, breath work, guided meditation, spiritual coaching, singing bowl sound healing, and crystal energy healing. Sessions last between 45 minutes to 1 hour. 

Other options and rates


Divine Guidance therapy talk - Video or chat messaging

Have a question? Maybe you'd like to know more before having a full healing done. I recommend a therapy talk with me.


20 minutes - $27

35 minutes - $43

1 hour - $70



Energy boost astral healing

Lay back and relax while I lead you into a meditative state and use divine guidance to intuitevely send healing where you need it. 


15 min - $27

30 min - $50


Singing bowl and mantra sound meditation healing session


25 min - $40




I will intuitevely hand pick 7 Chakra stones for your personal healing based off our consultation for just $25. Will come with a handmade crochet pouch made by me.

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